They said we were CRAZY when we offered to GUARANTEE results, but...

...then we made it happen. BUT, you may ask, will it work for ME???

There is only one way to find out, and that's to contact us for a FREE consultation, because honestly:


We don't know if you are ready to make a MAJOR positive life change!!!

We don't know if you are WILLING to be COACHED and to TAKE ACTION!!!


We don't know if you are COMITTED NOW to getting results and WILL NOT QUIT ON YOURSELF!!!

But here's what we DO know: If you don't get started, it won't work.  Makes sense, right?

But, let's say you ARE ready, willing and committed - how can we guarantee the results?  Well that's all in our secret sauce, but here is the basic OUTLINE:

First, we are going to start you with EXPERT fitness training...and don't worry, we'll guide you every step of the way.  You won't just get an "orientation" or "on-boarding" and be "turned loose" into the gym on your own to sink or swim.  At The Warrior Faction, EVERY SESSION is led by expert coaches that will hone in on strength, endurance, mobility, coordination, and most important - safety.  Sessions involve functional strength an mobility exercises along with heart-pounding kickboxing rounds for endurance - the ultimate combination of fun and work!

Next, and concurrently, you will learn how to make nutrition your friend.  Our nutrition is easy to follow and flexible, and a coach will help with your choices at every step!  Beginning with your initial NUTRITION WORKSHOP, you'll learn how to TRACK and PLAN what, when, and how much to eat in order to SMASH your goal! Nutrition is a MUSTfor a REAL transformation, so that's why we made this as EASY as POSSIBLE!

Lastly, for most people MOST IMPORTANTLY, we will be your ACCOUNTABILITY COACH.  We all know how EASY it is to start something new, then fade after a few days or weeks.  Not here, not with our coaches.  We will help you stay on track with weekly body composition analysis, weekly habit coaching, and direct access to your coach at ANY TIME!!!  Add to that our awesome TEAM atmosphere where other like minded members encourage and cheer you on and you CANNOT FAIL! (Plus a gentle kick in the butt from your coach if needed!)

So, now that you know, are you READY?

Schedule your free consult NOW bla bla bla.

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